Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Where's my cell phone moment.....

Have you ever been talking on you phone and suddenly stopped and thought (or said out loud - as I did to my sister (other Fathead) on the other end of the line) "crap! where is my cell...I think I left it in the truck...Crap!"
At that moment my sister kindly pointed out that I had been talking to her on my cell phone for the last half hour as I made the commute
to work.

It was just one of those days....

I was reminded of the random act of stupidity (which happen on an almost daily basis) while talking to my sister this morning. I called her at work, and through out the course of the conversation a phone rang in the background of her office. I asked her "Do you need to get you phone," and at this moment she, again very kindly (as she laughed at me) reminded me that we were currently talking on it, and that would mean that it couldn't possibly be her phone ringing. Isn't Other fathead sweet?......I wish you could have heard her sweet little cackle and sarcasm as she kindly reminded me of my faux pas.

I think we all have those days. Days where even when the glasses are on the top of our head we will search for hours for them, or like me, you will hunt for your phone while you talk to someone and explain to them how you just can't find it. At least I hope we all have these days or else I am a sad...sad...very sad little person. But don't feel sorry for me...you see I will always have my sister to laugh at me and point out the obvious. Thanks sissy! I don't know what I would do without you...wait yes I do! I would still be looking for my phone - but I would not be banned from Wal-mart (or Target - whichever store that was)!


  1. I've totally done that!!!! I'll start searching frantically for my phone, only to remember I'm using it.
    And the whole delurking thing does get easier, I promise!!

  2. lol...loved the blog! shh! don't tell anyone but whether it's a phone or a pair of glasses, I have done both several times! Glad to know I'm not alone!

  3. I have totally done that a few times with my cell phone and glasses.

  4. Um? Maybe I'm actually seeing the matrix right now, but if not, your code exploded all over your blog. Unless, of course you header is supposed to be a mass of code, in which case, cool!

  5. You know you used to do that with your reading glasses and keys too. Lov ya!!

  6. I saw the code-explosion in Firefox, had to use IE to visit your site. Weird!

    That's hilarous about the phone and it's completely something I would have done. I'm glad Laufa was kind and not at all sarcastic when she pointed it out.
