Thursday, July 23, 2009

Monkey Conversation

Monkey: Mom.....
Monkey: I want a princess middle name like MJ.
Monkey: Why does MJ have a princess name and I don't? (sitting all pouty w/ her arms crossed)
Me: Because your Middle name is #%!%*......
Monkey: No!
Monkey: I want it to be Belle!
Monkey: My new middle name is Bell. You tell Dad.
Me: Baby, that's just not the way it works....
Monkey: No. You tell Dad. (Stated as she wags her pointer finger at me)
Monkey: I have decided (at this point she deems the conversation over and walks away)

Apparently the Monkey Queen....Ahem...princess has spoken and as her mere servant I must obey......NOT!

Although I did find the encounter quite humorous. I can see that I have created a monster with a lot of attitude. Maybe I'll send her to Fathead's house she s a lot stricter than I am. That will be a culture shock for my tyrant!
p.s. MJ is Fathead's daughter.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quote of the Week:

Whe they discover the Center of the Universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.
- Bernard Baily

I think Monkey is one of them.....