Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Indian Kiss!

Not too long ago Monkey and I were cuddling on the couch and every time I gave her a kiss she wiped it off. So I said..."Fine you don't like those kisses I'll give you an Eskimo kiss!" I showed her what an Eskimo kiss was, and then went on to show her the different ways people can show affection (NOT THE FRENCH KISS - no offense to the French). I showed her a butterfly kiss, the European Kiss (kiss both cheeks - I also taught her to say "Chow Bella" when she does this one), vampire kiss (a soft bite - teaching her to say "I vant to Suck your blood" wasn't as successful as "Chow Bella"), and the raspberry (zerbert - for you Cosby show lovers)kiss (every time someone tries to kiss you blow a raspberry on their lips). I must say that her least favorite was the Raspberry kiss. It was too messy apparently. But her favorite seemed to be the Eskimo kiss. She then asked me "Whats and Eskimo?" I told her they were kind of like Indians that lived where it was really cold. Well....she couldn't get Indian out of her head. So now it has become a ritual that every time we part ways, every night at bed time, and just randomly when ever she feels like it Monkey will yell "INDIAN!" and that means she wants an Indian kiss.....ahem Eskimo kiss.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Post Mom's Weekend....

Last weekend the Good Grief Mom's Group came together for their Semi-Annual retreat of healing and reflection. Although we faced several challenges this weekend, I believe we all walked away with a different perspective and a few less burdens. This weekend for the first time I shared with the whole group. This was difficult for me, but I was glad I did it. Although I am very private about my daughter, I saw the need to share a few memories of her. I wanted to convey that it is OK not to talk about the death of your child. For some it is cathartic to talk about it and share the milestone of recovery with others, but for others it is far more painful to speak of it. For me, I relive it as I say the words and that is too difficult for me. However it was important for other mothers to know that it is OK to hold private your memories and pain. The group is there to offer an ear if you are ever ready, advice if you want it, and loving arms and understanding if you need it. All in all it was a weekend of learning and reflection.

See the Good Grief Blog at http://beckylock.wordpress.com/ If you would like to know more please contact me or the group at this blog or send me a email or message on the Random Wiggles Blog.

Quote of the Day:

"Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives."
- William Dement, Newsweek 1959

I like the fact that based on this logic we are all crazy, out of our minds, if you will.