Friday, May 22, 2009

Batman is really...Catman?

Recently the Marine rescued a helpless kitten from his men at work. He overheard far too much enthusiasm over what would happen if you stuck a cat in a he intervened and made them hand over the (at the time 4 week old) kitten. He brought the all black with blue eyes fur ball home, much to Monkey's delight, and we acquired another cat. We already have a 6 year old cat named Twitch who does not like the new addition to the family.
At first the kitten was very weak and slept a lot. We got him into the vet right away for shots and verification that it was a boy (which they still can't be 100% sure until he is at least 8 weeks). we cleaned him, clipped his claws, and fed him Kitten formula (who knew!).
I am a strong believer in waiting till your pets personality emerges before you name them. So for the first few weeks we called him "lil kitty." As 'lil kitty' grew stronger his personalty developed and I discovered that this cat likes to roll on his back to play/fight/cuddle/etc. When he is in play or fight mode is tiny little black smushed face (we think he might have a little Siamese in him)looks like a bats face (ugly picture right). We also discovered that this cat can jump! at a mere six weeks and still a bit underweight the cat can jump from the floor onto the bed and onto a few other high spots (leaping tall building sound like some caped crusader you know?). he likes to hide and snuggle into dark cave like places (under stuff! ya can't see him under and in there! also like a bat!). There fore the name Batman seemed like a logical name for this rat like creature who attacks my ankles from unsuspecting places. We have also discovered he is just plain psycho! He will attack anything that moves and seems to have a serious problem with the flowers on my bedspread. Imagine if you will.....It is 3 am and you are peacefully sleeping in your bed and suddenly you hear a tiny bell quickly followed by feeling tiny sharp teeth biting and attacking you all over. Only it isn't is the 20 flowers that are covering your rear as a tiny rat attacks them. Kick him off the bed you Batman's skills are far to smart for that he merely attacks your hand and clings! Because Batman is so dark it is actually hard to get any pictures of this cat that come out, so I will add them this weekend, so that you all can enjoy seeing my Super Psycho Bat Cat.
This week over at Sprite’s Keeper: Spin Cycle, the topic is pets. If you want to spin too, just start writing - don't forget to let Jen know over there.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gone so long.....Probably forgotten

Hello Friends and Foes,

It has been a long time since I update my Random to match my wiggles. In fact, I have been gone so long I have certainly been forgotten. So I am going to write one big fat blog to update you on everything we have been up to.

Here goes....

About 1.5 months ago the Marine returned from Iraq. Yeah! Big OORAH all around! Life is Pleasent in the Random Wiggles home. The marine complained about the lack of yard work I did while he was MIA (deployed), and I replonded to that by buying him a bagged mulching attachment for the riding lawnmower. Complaints have ceased.....

We went on vacation to Disney World! Yeah!! And we stayed at the Animal Kindom Resort. We did the whole five day park hopper pass and took out time at all the parks. If you ever get a chance to stay at the Animal Kingdom Resort...ABSOLUTELY DO IT! It is the cooles thing in the world to wak up in the morning and go out on your balcony and watch a Giraffe, Zebra, strange birds, etc eat their breakfast while you eat yours. Very cool. Plus the resort had a great water slide in the pool and cool activities for all ages. I should be on their comercial. It really did make me want to go work at disney. They had random people around the park tat it seemed like their only job was to give stickers out to kids! Well hell! forget givin stickers out at Wal-Mart...Hand over the Micky ears! The Monkey loved everything we did! I don't think there was a princess that we missed a picture with or at least didn't try to get one. We even had dinner with the princesses! I will blog separately about specifics. In fact by the time I'm done - ur gona be sick of Disney.

We also spent some time at Cocoa beach. There is this quaint mom & pop hotel that we always stay at that is run by a couple of old hippies. It is great! Enjoyed time on the beach and at the parks, we had the best of both worlds. Monkey even got to spend a couple of nights with my parents and spending time with Grandma is like Heaven on Earth for Monkey.

We then returned from our great vacation (the first we have ever had I might add) and went back to work. I have been buried in deadline, student paperwork, and advisement appointments, ever since. This is the first I have truly been able to surface.