Every morning after wrestling with my monkey (sounds kind of naughty doesn’t it…get your mind out of the gutter!) to get her dressed, teeth & hair brushed and all around ready for school. We Pass the “NERMAID!” (see previous posts for explanation) and I drop off monkey and go to the gym for an hour to 2 hours (depending on how long the monkey vs. mom wrestle match took – p.s. if I only get an hour at the gym, Monkey won). I run (no…no one chases me), I lift weights (no….still no sign of the elusive six pack in the mirror….who am I kidding there is no sign of a pack of anything other than rolls and curves). I shower and change for work at the gym, and then go to my office and pretend to be busy all day. The problem lies somewhere between morning prep. (Done the night before) and getting dressed the next morning after my workout. At least once a month I forget to pack my Bra! Sorry for all of you if this is TMI. Now luckily I am one of those neurotic people who wear a tank top under everything even in 100 degree weather. Yet still I go about my day commando on the top! I could easily chalk this up to me being absent minded. But it seems that not only am I “absent minded,” but I am incapable of learning from my mistakes! You see this is not the 1st time this has happened. It isn’t even the 5th, I believe we are getting closer to the double digits on how many times I have inadvertently allowed myself to freely nip in the wind. I can’t really call my bralessness (I know it’s not a word – it just sounds good) going commando. I am looking for a replacement word for booby commando and possibly some clinical help for this Freudian slip that keeps getting the best of my twin peaks.
Don't really know where to go with that so I'll go back to the wrestling. My two little monkeys are responsible for chipping away a good deal of dental work this week.
My name is Sarhi. I am the wife of an active duty marine and the mother of two beautiful girls - one waiting for me in Heaven and another one helping me enjoy life to it's fullest here on Earth. My thoughts and sense of humor lean to the random side of life and my sister urged me to share it with others - i.e. the birth of Random Wiggles.
Not only are you AWOL, your commando yet again? Am I allowed to stalk you again?
ReplyDeletedang, I can not do that........ um, WAY to large. I would scare folks.
ReplyDeleteDon't really know where to go with that so I'll go back to the wrestling. My two little monkeys are responsible for chipping away a good deal of dental work this week.