Monday, January 26, 2009
Quote of the week:
I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life.
-Scott Corbett Never
I must agree. I love reading and taking the fanciful journey in my imagination that I am able to endeavor through a book. I must admit I don't always read what many scholars would consider quality literature. However, whether the book and characters are rich and deep, soft and light, or deranged and obscure. Each book touches on a need in my soul to escape through fantasy. So find a good it Harlequin or Shakespeare and take some time to enjoy the diversion.
-Scott Corbett Never
I must agree. I love reading and taking the fanciful journey in my imagination that I am able to endeavor through a book. I must admit I don't always read what many scholars would consider quality literature. However, whether the book and characters are rich and deep, soft and light, or deranged and obscure. Each book touches on a need in my soul to escape through fantasy. So find a good it Harlequin or Shakespeare and take some time to enjoy the diversion.
Paranoia wins again!
I would like to start this blog by saying I am a paranoid mom. If you are close to me, you know this is true and you know why. When I went back to work, I found that the separation from my monkey was very difficult for me. While monkey was thrilled and was pushing me out the door the first day, I was in tears and begging for 3rd and 4th hugs and kisses (I must admit that this behavior continued far beyond the first week or two). I eventually was able to let go in the mornings, because I discovered I could get my fix by going to the preschool on my lunch break (her nap time) and sitting next to her mat and petting and stroking her hair while she slept. In my mind, I was not disturbing her day and I was still able to have that clinginess I so needed. Well…..My husband discovered that I was doing this and was not happy (I wasn’t happy with her teacher who told him – he didn’t want Monkey to be a clingy kid). He then issued strict orders for the nap time visits to stop (typical Marine – in fact I think I shall start referring to him as “The Marine”). I started to slowly taper myself off. However, much to The Marine's pleasure, I shortly thereafter got a new job where I was not able to visit Monkey anymore. Cold Turkey! Over time I was ok with this. Well, now we have moved and I have another different job. No, I do not do nap time visits anymore. Although… I easily could (haha… I can flex my self restraint muscle!). You see where I work, my office just happens to overlook my monkey’s preschool and play ground. I like the fact that I am merely a few feet away and it is a relief to my paranoid nature. Every day at varying times a police/fire/ambulance siren will echo ac
ross the base. I jump to my feet and run to my window to verify that these vehicles are not going to the preschool (I told you I was paranoid!). Every day until today they have sped right passed. Well today, I hear the sirens, and I walk to the window, and I watch as an ambulance, then a fire truck, then another fire truck, and four police cars pull up in front of my child’s preschool. So you may ask…. what did you do? Well, I figured (in that split second) if there was an emergency they either would not be answering the phones or they would be using them to make the proper calls to all the authorities and parents. So I grabbed my coat and I ran (more like sprinted) down the hall, down the stairs, across the street, into the school, down the hall (Monkey’s class is the last one at the back of th
e school – and yes I am still sprinting, and getting a lot of strange looks). I get to the class……and …….there sits my beautiful monkey coloring (I should say scribbling) a lovely picture. I promptly turn around and walk down the hall and back to my office (still getting strange looks). The paranoia wins again.
I would also like to add, especially after reading The Stiletto Mom’s blog (, that I appreciate these men & women. I know that their intention is to keep people safe.
I would also like to add, especially after reading The Stiletto Mom’s blog (, that I appreciate these men & women. I know that their intention is to keep people safe.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Comando Again!.......Sort of…..
Friday, January 16, 2009
Quote of the Week:
In the defense of our nation, a president must be a clear-eyed realist. There are limits to the smiles and scowls of diplomacy. Armies and missiles are not stopped by stiff notes of condemnation. They are held in check by strength and purpose and the promise of swift punishment.
- George W. Bush , speech, November 19, 1999
I felt that it would be nice to have a few final words from our soon to be Former President Bush. I completely agree with the above statement. And like many of you I hope that Obama and any other future President holds some or all of the characteristics and understanding listed above. I truly wish that this war could end with the writing of a note and a harsh scowl, but since pigs don't fly and hell hasn't frozen yet, we can all hope for the best and must prepare for anything.
Farewell President Bush and Welcome President Obama.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Site Problems
Ok.......... For all who are having trouble with my site...sorry. I have no idea how to fix it, and I haven't had any indications of an problem. So please be patient and thanks for the support.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Where's my cell phone moment.....
Have you ever been talking on you phone and suddenly stopped and thought (or said out loud - as I did to my sister (other Fathead) on the other end of the line) "crap! where is my cell...I think I left it in the truck...Crap!" 
At that moment my sister kindly pointed out that I had been talking to her on my cell phone for the last half hour as I made the commute
to work.
It was just one of those days....
I was reminded of the random act of stupidity (which happen on an almost daily basis) while talking to my sister this morning. I called her at work, and through out the course of the conversation a phone rang in the background of her office. I asked her "Do you need to get you phone," and at this moment she, again very kindly (as she laughed at me) reminded me that we were currently talking on it, and that would mean that it couldn't possibly be her phone ringing. Isn't Other fathead sweet?......I wish you could have heard her sweet little cackle and sarcasm as she kindly reminded me of my faux pas.
I think we all have those days. Days where even when the glasses are on the top of our head we will search for hours for them, or like me, you will hunt for your phone while you talk to someone and explain to them how you just can't find it. At least I hope we all have these days or else I am a sad...sad...very sad little person. But don't feel sorry for see I will always have my sister to laugh at me and point out the obvious. Thanks sissy! I don't know what I would do without you...wait yes I do! I would still be looking for my phone - but I would not be banned from Wal-mart (or Target - whichever store that was)!
Quote of the week...
"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."
- Mark Twain
- Mark Twain
I think this quote is quite apropos for the current climate out side my window (cold and wet) as well as our nation's current economic climate.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Favorite Utterance
There are so many things in this world to enjoy and be inspired by. Many enjoy poetry, some love jazz, you could even enjoy those pictures that have a picture that you must find with in it - a sail boat or dog or something, maybe a dog on a sail boat (I can never find the picture within - possibly because I am too busy making fun of the people gathered around a random picture squinting and turning their head in a confused sort of manner). 

However, I do enjoy quotes. I love to hear those random utterances (Is Utterances a word?). It doesn't matter if the author is famous or not, dead or alive, funny or serious. No matter the subject matter I will enjoy the quote as long as it is appropriate for the situation. Every Monday I find a quote that suits me, the economy, the news, the season, or weather. I write it on my dry erase board for my students to enjoy or ignore - what ever their inclination. that I have expressed my quote diatribe, I am going to share my favorite quote with all of you.
"An Oak struck by lightening heals itself by twisting and bending around the wound: it is still recognizably a tree, it still lives as a tree, it still puts out its leaves and acorns, but its center, hidden deep within the curtain of green, remains empty and splintered where it hasn't been grotesquely scarred over. We are happy the tree hasn't died, and from the proper angel we can look on it and suppose that it is the same tree that is ever was, but it is not and never will be." 

This quote is from the book 'The Widow of the South' by Robert Hicks. This was a statement that the main character Carrie McGavock made referring to herself and her own personal tragedies as well as for the multitude of confederate soldiers that lie wounded in her home.
This quote speaks to my heart. This quote also became a mantra for my own personal healing in the face of a tragedy.
That is part of what I like about quotes. There is rarely a hidden meaning they are usually short and straight to the point. I hope that you will share some of your favorite quotes with me and tell me why you like them so much. I plan to share a regular quote with all of you I hope you enjoy them, but even if you don't like a particular quote I would still like to hear why.
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year
So....Every Year I make a new years resolution. Unfortunately for the last 20 some odd years I have not followed through with one of them. In 2008 my husband deployed and I decided that I wanted to look hot by the time he came home. So my new years resolution is something that began in 2008, but because of recent events I am even more determined to follow through with them. I resolve to eat healthier and get in shape for the well being of myself and my family. You see, recently my husbands father passed away due to complications with diabetes and heart failure. My husbands mother also has diabetes and health problems. I have realized that these are genetic markers for my husband on both sides. My husband has always worked hard to stay fit and trim (it is kind of part of the job description) but I haven't been as supportive as I should, by not staying healthy myself. I realized that not only does my husband carry these genes, but so does Monkey. My husband stays healthy and therefore he is not at risk for many of these problems, but with my bad habits he could be, and these are habits I am passing on to my monkey. These are habits that I learned from my parents, that are from pure laziness, and that are just not acceptable. So, that said, I hope that all of you who make a 2009 resolution are able to stick to it and accomplish your goal and those who don't.....well there is always next year. That is what is so great about the human nature, we can always get back up and start again. Happy New Year to you all!
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