This morning began just like every other morning. I got up, got ready, and prepa
red to wrestle the Monkey into her uniform. Once the grumpy monkey was ready we took the usual route to her school for drop off. As we are driving down the road Monkey began talking about the clouds and how they looked like animals...a duck and an elephant. Then we passed between some trees and Monkey asked, "could we ask Gejus (Jesus) to cut down the trees so that we can see the clouds?" I then launched into how we can't do that because trees are very important. The trees help make the air we breath. That the trees take the bad air we breath out and turn it into the good air we breath in. That is why we need to keep as many trees as we can and that we should take better care of all the trees and not cut down so many. The Monkey was silent..........then she said...."Is that why Daddy says you hug trees all the time?" I couldn't help but laugh, since every time I put something in the recycle ben or insist that we take the extra time to drop off the r
recycling at the dump the marine rolls his eyes and grumbles that I am a D#@* hippy tree hugger! (I live in the Boonies where there are no recycling pick up and the trash service is very unreliable for the price you have to pay for it, so we take out trash & recycling the 7 miles up the road ourselves every weekend for free.)
Out of the mouths of babes.....