Now that you have the background....
On one particularly ordinary day a class was being conducted in the room next to my office. That morning I brought in a new case of bottled water to replenish my supply. I placed it on my spare desk until I got logged in and had checked my messages (a bad choice on my part). I proceeded to work on some paperwork and get some things squared away. While on a phone call from a student the class happened to let out for a break. Occasionally in the past students would wonder in and ask questions. I have even had a few ask for water, at which time I referred them to the education office's water cooler and to the vending machines. However on this occasion, a brazen not so young woman walked into my office (talking on her cell phone). Walked right over to my plastic covered case of water bottles and proceeded to pull the plastic off and take a bottle out. I inquired "excuse me....can I help you?" "Oh....I can't have some water?" (proper english?)was her reply as she pulled my bottle out of the case. "Well, no.....that water is for my personal use it is not for the students in the classes, the university does not provide it for me." I explained. "It's just one damn bottle!". she exclaimed. "True" I replied, "but if I provide you with water, how can I discriminate from the next person who asks for free water, when there is a water cooler down the hall and a vending machine just outside the door." Now maybe I am selfish and a miserly Bitch, but I do believe in the common cou
rtesy of asking before taking something that is not yours. At this point the (Insert unkind word here) lady inquired if she were interested in taking classes with USC, if I would then give her water as a marketing tool. I politely said "No....that's why I have the twizzlers on display not the water, help yourself to one of those." I then asked if she really was interested in college, and she stated "Fuck no! I go to ha ha" as she waived her nasty finger in my face. Thankfully, she chose that moment to exit my office, because I was liable to throw the bottle at her. As she exited, she said to the person on the other end of the cell phone (yes! she was still on the phone!) "That stupid Bitch wouldn't give me my water!"
I must say, I was completely shocked at first, then rather amused. I decided to wander down the hall (after I put the water away) to share my new experience with my co-workers (who had equally horrifying experiences with this old hag and others). As the Education Director listened, it seemed my water debacle became the straw that broke the camels back and the it was brought to the training supervisor's attention. The ignorant woman was given a final warning, and encouraged to apologize (it has not happened, but when ever she is over here in my building, she sure is polite).
Moral to the story that turned out to a lot longer and annoying than I originally thought it would be.....Ask before you take!