So...... I am attempting to get Monkey to the point where she can bathe herself. Last night she was taking a shower and this is the conversation that ensued.....
Monkey: Mom! Mommy! Momma!Me: What!
Monkey: I have to pee! (everything was said with such drama and a little whining)
Me: So pee! (I couldn't help but imitate her screechy/whiny voice)
The curtain is whipped open....the monkey (standing there buck naked) cocks a hip and looks at me all while rolling her eyes at the same time (she is 4 going on 14).
Monkey: Mom...... (said very dramatically - emphasizing that mom clearly is stupid)
Monkey: Daddy said we don't pee in the bath tub.
Me: Well that is true, when we are taking a bath we don't go pee pee in the water. But if we are in the shower, it is ok, because our pee pee can go down the drain. Just make sure you do not pee on your bath toys or wash cloth.
Monkey: Sigh....(a big sigh that includes her shifting to the other hip and rolling her eyes at me again.
Monkey: Are you sure?
Me: go ahead! (I left the bathroom)
5 minutes later....
Monkey: Mom!
Me: what!
Monkey: Can I pee in the shower now!
Me: could have done it ten minutes ago! (the great thing about potty trained girls is that they can hold it!)
Monkey: Um...Mom!
Me: What now?
Monkey: I think I peed on Ariel's head...giggle, giggle
Me: Well wash her hair!
It's all fun and games till someones head gets peed on.